Monthly Archives: November 2019

The Things I Missed

During all my hurried chase for wealth,

I sacrificed my youth and spoiled my health.

Two young lovers sharing a kiss…

Just one of the many things I missed.


So many things yet to do, so much I want to say.

The mirror reflects my wrinkled face and hair turned whitish-grey.

I don’t remember smelling land after a cleansing rain

Or offering soothing words of comfort to those suffering alone in pain.


Did I notice children’s faces looking skyward in delight

As they held on tightly to their multi-colored kites?

Did I collect a seashell from a white beach sand,

And did I get to travel to a distant land?


Did I pluck daisy petals or ever smell a rose

Or even try to ice skate after the lakes all froze?

There’s so many things I could add to my lengthy lists,

Containing all the many things I apparently missed.


My race is run, my fortune won —

A hollow victory it would seem

For I missed out on simple things,

It is time I can’t redeem.


I rolled the dice of my own choice.

In pursuit of my wealth,

I paid the price.

In the quest, I lost the best when I lost my health.


Recording my sad litany

Reveals truth which cannot be denied:

For though I have wealth, I’ll die a pauper’s death

With all my music still inside!



Prayers, Dreams and Goals

When you pray for something, add feet to your prayers – Do something about it.

When you dream, add wings to your dreams – Take action, no matter how small.

If you have a goal, write it down and put it somewhere you can see it.

You will be reminding yourself that you are working towards and end,

not just wandering aimlessly.

Anyone can do nothing – It takes someone to accomplish something.

Don’t forget Synergy – an object in motion generates forward movement.

Remember Serendipity – Along the way, enjoy all the good stuff that happens.