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The Last Prayer

The old man knelt by his bed on a rug that helped cushion the pain in his knobby knees.

He cleared his throat and spoke in a tired, raspy voice, “Dear Lord, after years of going, doing, reading, and striving to become and to be a better person, I am here. Yes, I openly admit that I’ve made many mistakes due to my poor choices and wrong actions.

With age came the realization that I have been growing weaker, unable to do those things I did as a younger man. My vision has dimmed, my hearing has weakened, and my strength has waned. I have less energy now. I know that, through all these normal aging progressions, You were always with me in fellowship.

I want to thank You for all the sunrises and sunsets you have granted me. I have always tried to express my humble gratitude for these treasures. My life has been that of a worker whose calloused hands earned an honest living. My hands have never held large sums of money, a fat checking account, gold, or precious jewels. Yet I will readily admit that I’ve never truly needed anything because Your warehouse has always been there to supply my needs.

Besides, money or gold could never quench my thirst for knowledge and wisdom, nor would it bring me the simple blessing of peace and fulfillment which I have always sought. Only you can fill my need, Lord.

So here am I, Lord, before you on bended knees. My hair is thinned, and my skin is wrinkled. All my deeds, both good and bad, have been done. My race has been run, but, even with poor vision, I can see the finish line. I bring nothing because I have nothing except two very precious gifts. Over the years, I have guarded them closely, enriching them through learning and doing my best to polish them with daily care. To my eye, they are beautiful.

You entrusted them to my keeping, and now I return them to Your Hands. I hope You find my soul and spirit pleasing to your eye, Lord. I realize that I am responsible for my actions, my mistakes, and poor choices.”

The old man shifted his weight a bit to relieve the pain in his knees before he continued, “Lord, I would ask for two favors, if it be Your pleasure. First, I ask for mercy. Secondly, just like the thief hanging on a cross beside you on Golgotha Hill, I ask you to please remember me in Your Father’s House. So here am I, and so it is. Amen.”

The old man crumpled to the floor as he drew his last breath, finally at peace.

Person’s Limitations

A person’s limitations rest somewhere between one’s ambitions and abilities.

Do You Know What Love Is?

Many years ago, I thought I knew everything about love there is to know. Silly me! What I thought it was, in reality, everything love isn’t! Of course, my research and learning was not only time consuming, but also very expensive personally and ended in disillusionment.

Then I met my soulmate, and she taught me what love truly is and shows it every day and every way. It never grows old. Thirty-four years later seems like only a couple of years have passed.

Many books have been written about this subject, but maybe in the end we have to learn for ourselves. After all, it’s just words piled on top of words. It’s not an actual experience, is it? We need to understand what it isn’t so we’ll recognize what it is if and when we find it.

Once you find it, never let it go. Care for it, nurture it as you share it with your soulmate. You’ll experience happiness, peace and contentment.

All my wishes for a good walk on your path of life!

Consequences of Inaction

George W. Cecil said:

“Upon the plains of hesitation

Lie the bones of countless thousands

Who, on the threshold of victory,

Sat down to wait,

And, in waiting, they died.”

Ask yourself: What am I waiting for? The perfect time?

There is no perfect time as it does not exist.

If you have a goal, begin to move toward it.

If you want to reach for a star,

You may not succeed in reaching it

But you will, indeed, go farther than one

Who will never begin by taking that first step.


Have you ever seen a rainbow’s breathtaking beauty against a dark grey sky?

How did it get there?

Have you ever wondered why?

Observe the rose as it unfurls its beautiful petals to greet the rising dawn.

What makes this happen?

Have you ever wondered why?

The night stars glitter like diamonds to tease and light up the eye,

Glittering every night.

Did you ever wonder why?

Over white-capped ocean waves, flying fish still fly.

Without wings, they fly along.

Do you ever wonder why?

Distant snow-capped mountains stand sentinel against a light blue sky.

How did they get there?

Do you ever wonder why?

When Love enters, it’s bigger than oceans or stars of the sky,

Far more beautiful than a rose or a rainbow on high.

Love brings understanding and no need to wonder why!


Sometimes when we think we have nothing,

That nothing crystalizes into a realization

That often what we think of as nothing

Becomes everything!


Lack or loss of deep perception

And understanding

Make the difference!

Happy New Year 2023

To all who gaze upon my web site: Warmest wishes to you and yours for the happiest and healthiest New Year 2023!

It’s been a long 2022, but by golly it’s past! Different medical problems have precluded my ability to write and post for quite a while…So I’ll give a shout: It’s good to be back!

Again, Happy New Year’s blessings to each and every one of you! May this be your best year yet!

Warmest Wishes for a Happier New Year!

This past year has been a challenging one. COVID19 has changed how the world operates. Things we took for granted do not exist any longer. So much has caused negative impacts in every area of living. If permitted, these circumstances can alter how you think, feel, and operate. Depression is rampant. Anger if boiling over in so many ways.

But there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and it is not a train that is coming the other way, just to make things worse.

Faith is still alive. People are working harder to be a little happier–decorating the outside of their houses to uplift the spirit of those driving by. Christmas is past, yes. But the New Year is coming.

With your thoughts and prayers, you can pray for everyone you know who is having a hard time, including you. Prayers and good thoughts do, indeed, still matter. But you must choose to work on your attitude if negativity is all you can see. Surely there is still Beauty in something every day. Look for it. Praise the good you see. Pay attention to the brighter side of things (as in “Every cloud has a silver lining”).

There once was a very powerful man who had everything he could want. So he called his advisors to his side and said, “Come up with a saying that will cover everything, both good and bad.” They worked on it very hard for a long while. When called to his side, he asked them what they had come up with. One stepped forward with a smile and handed him a small sheet of paper. The man looked at it, smiled, and nodded his head. He looked at them and said, “Job well done. Thank you. You will be amply rewarded for your time.” What was on this sheet of paper?

“This too shall pass!”

On that happy note, warmest wishes to you and yours for a Happier New Year ahead! God bless you and yours!

Image result for happy new year 2021 pics

The Things I Missed

During all my hurried chase for wealth,

I sacrificed my youth and spoiled my health.

Two young lovers sharing a kiss…

Just one of the many things I missed.


So many things yet to do, so much I want to say.

The mirror reflects my wrinkled face and hair turned whitish-grey.

I don’t remember smelling land after a cleansing rain

Or offering soothing words of comfort to those suffering alone in pain.


Did I notice children’s faces looking skyward in delight

As they held on tightly to their multi-colored kites?

Did I collect a seashell from a white beach sand,

And did I get to travel to a distant land?


Did I pluck daisy petals or ever smell a rose

Or even try to ice skate after the lakes all froze?

There’s so many things I could add to my lengthy lists,

Containing all the many things I apparently missed.


My race is run, my fortune won —

A hollow victory it would seem

For I missed out on simple things,

It is time I can’t redeem.


I rolled the dice of my own choice.

In pursuit of my wealth,

I paid the price.

In the quest, I lost the best when I lost my health.


Recording my sad litany

Reveals truth which cannot be denied:

For though I have wealth, I’ll die a pauper’s death

With all my music still inside!



Prayers, Dreams and Goals

When you pray for something, add feet to your prayers – Do something about it.

When you dream, add wings to your dreams – Take action, no matter how small.

If you have a goal, write it down and put it somewhere you can see it.

You will be reminding yourself that you are working towards and end,

not just wandering aimlessly.

Anyone can do nothing – It takes someone to accomplish something.

Don’t forget Synergy – an object in motion generates forward movement.

Remember Serendipity – Along the way, enjoy all the good stuff that happens.