Monthly Archives: March 2023

Do You Know What Love Is?

Many years ago, I thought I knew everything about love there is to know. Silly me! What I thought it was, in reality, everything love isn’t! Of course, my research and learning was not only time consuming, but also very expensive personally and ended in disillusionment.

Then I met my soulmate, and she taught me what love truly is and shows it every day and every way. It never grows old. Thirty-four years later seems like only a couple of years have passed.

Many books have been written about this subject, but maybe in the end we have to learn for ourselves. After all, it’s just words piled on top of words. It’s not an actual experience, is it? We need to understand what it isn’t so we’ll recognize what it is if and when we find it.

Once you find it, never let it go. Care for it, nurture it as you share it with your soulmate. You’ll experience happiness, peace and contentment.

All my wishes for a good walk on your path of life!