Monthly Archives: April 2019

Unbroken Vows

Vows were broken, Love, by an unplanned death.

Promises that were spoken by the living breath.

Vows softly spoken in the listener’s ears

Linger on after death, bringing forth anguished tears.


Neither mountains high nor rivers wide

Can stop or contain them, and they still abide.

Later, you’ll bring them as you wing your way

And join my spirit, awaiting on the other side.


Marvel not then upon this small wonder,

For what God joins together, nothing puts asunder.

Though you live on if I pass first,

Find peace and joy, my love.

My spirit patiently awaits you

While angels sing above.


Our spirits will again reunite on that golden strand,

In that timeless Shangri-la, never to part again.

Think not that it’s over, that death brings the end,

For the spirit lives forever and ever, even then.


Finish your journey.

Walk your path, following destiny’s pull.

Shine your light on friend and foe.

Live life to the full.


I loved you then; I love you now

As when I gave the ring

To seal the vow made long ago.

Oh, Death, where is thy sting?


We Are All Authors

We are all authors.

Life is the beginning.

Death is the ending.

We each write the chapters in between.

God bless your journeys!