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Warmest Wishes for a Happier New Year!

This past year has been a challenging one. COVID19 has changed how the world operates. Things we took for granted do not exist any longer. So much has caused negative impacts in every area of living. If permitted, these circumstances can alter how you think, feel, and operate. Depression is rampant. Anger if boiling over in so many ways.

But there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and it is not a train that is coming the other way, just to make things worse.

Faith is still alive. People are working harder to be a little happier–decorating the outside of their houses to uplift the spirit of those driving by. Christmas is past, yes. But the New Year is coming.

With your thoughts and prayers, you can pray for everyone you know who is having a hard time, including you. Prayers and good thoughts do, indeed, still matter. But you must choose to work on your attitude if negativity is all you can see. Surely there is still Beauty in something every day. Look for it. Praise the good you see. Pay attention to the brighter side of things (as in “Every cloud has a silver lining”).

There once was a very powerful man who had everything he could want. So he called his advisors to his side and said, “Come up with a saying that will cover everything, both good and bad.” They worked on it very hard for a long while. When called to his side, he asked them what they had come up with. One stepped forward with a smile and handed him a small sheet of paper. The man looked at it, smiled, and nodded his head. He looked at them and said, “Job well done. Thank you. You will be amply rewarded for your time.” What was on this sheet of paper?

“This too shall pass!”

On that happy note, warmest wishes to you and yours for a Happier New Year ahead! God bless you and yours!

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My Prayer For You

May your travels be filled with wonder.

May yours days be warm and long.

May your eyes be filled with beauty.

May your heart be filled with song.

God bless you on your journey!



The Sound of Silence

Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I Am God.”

Do you know what silence sounds like?

Did you know that music is a series of sounds separated by silence?

In this busy world, it is almost impossible to hear the sound of silence.

However, I treasure it above all else.

Imagine a magical, serene time totally void of any sound on your ears.

One’s mind completely relaxes, and one can visualize waves breaking on a distant, sandy shore – without sound.

From deep within our mind, a new, pure thought emerges in this blessed silence.

It would have never arrived in its present form because of the noise, clutter, give and take of everyday life. Instead, it would have arrived all covered in bandages from injuries caused by the extraneous, outside world. It would be confused, lacking clarity, and without peace.

The idea is to intentionally become more aware of the Sound of Silence.

God bless your journey!

Unbroken Vows

Vows were broken, Love, by an unplanned death.

Promises that were spoken by the living breath.

Vows softly spoken in the listener’s ears

Linger on after death, bringing forth anguished tears.


Neither mountains high nor rivers wide

Can stop or contain them, and they still abide.

Later, you’ll bring them as you wing your way

And join my spirit, awaiting on the other side.


Marvel not then upon this small wonder,

For what God joins together, nothing puts asunder.

Though you live on if I pass first,

Find peace and joy, my love.

My spirit patiently awaits you

While angels sing above.


Our spirits will again reunite on that golden strand,

In that timeless Shangri-la, never to part again.

Think not that it’s over, that death brings the end,

For the spirit lives forever and ever, even then.


Finish your journey.

Walk your path, following destiny’s pull.

Shine your light on friend and foe.

Live life to the full.


I loved you then; I love you now

As when I gave the ring

To seal the vow made long ago.

Oh, Death, where is thy sting?


We Are All Authors

We are all authors.

Life is the beginning.

Death is the ending.

We each write the chapters in between.

God bless your journeys!


One shoe does not fit everyone. It takes all kinds of people to make a world.

God bless you on your journey.



I was relaxing in front of the television, my mind a million miles away, when a random thought entered my mind. The thought crystallized and took form like a beautiful sunset with quiet but forceful insistence. Suddenly, other thoughts began to enter and materialize in planned order, almost as if they were designed through careful planning and arranged in order.

First of all, do not concern yourself too much about accumulating material things because they are fleeting. We acquire, use, discard, sell, or give them away. The main point to always remember is they are passing — simply tools, if you will, in our progression of growth.

The drive and desire to accumulate material things require valuable time, which is the most precious commodity of all. Not only that, but the energy and planning to acquire them can interfere with living and enjoying life. Remember, only man and apes have a prehensile, grasping hand that can grasp and hold tight. We have the choice to do that or not.

Never let the idea of abundant personal possessions mold you because we are more important than that! We are here to learn whatever life can teach us before we move on. You are not going to take it with you, so why overly concern yourself?

Seek out enrichment through knowledge and fulfillment which brings contentment. None of us are better than another because of items we own or the greater acquisition of money. No, we are all made of the same basic material. When our learning period is finished, so is life.

We should remember, therefore, to be humble, and learn as much as we can absorb because our time on this planet we call home is only temporary. We are in transit and bound for a better place. After all, we have an everlasting promise. These thoughts give me great comfort.

And so it is.

God’s blessings upon your journey. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to one and all!





Would You?

If you could go back in time and change your life,

Would you?

If you could correct all those mistakes and poor choices made,

Could you?

If you could give back all your ill-gotten gains at others’ expense,

Would you dare?

If you could take back harsh, angry words and false promises,

Do you care?


Would you continue walking the same hateful, twisted path,

While behind you are condemnation, mixed with wrath?

You could change this if go back you could,

Change all your mistakes, if only you would.


Would you?


NOTE: Changing your future is something you can control — if you think you should.

God’s blessings upon your journey!






All that we see is oftentimes more than it appears…

All that appears is usually not the sum total of the whole…

And what the eyes can see is often very deceiving…

Consequently, what we think is often based on an opinion of illusive information.


God’s blessings upon your journey!

The Seedlings (Newly Edited Version)

The Seedlings has been edited and is now available on Kindle. It is a story of new beginnings, adventure, and hope. Just click on the link under books to taste the flavor.  You will be glad you did.