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Have A Merry Christmas Season!

From our house to yours, may you have a very Merry Christmas Season!

When you feel harried, stop and take a deep breath. Look around you to see the beauty of the season: Houses lit up to delight the eye, a taste of delightful foods prepared with joy, and have a wonderment of life.

Too often, we get caught up in the to-do lists, doing for others to the point of exhaustion, looking for that perfect gift for everybody on your gift list, even going so far as to get deeper in debt (which causes more stress).

Remember yourself and how much energy you have to spend each day. Know when to stop and take five minutes just for you, or perhaps longer.

Life itself is so precious. Appreciate the people in your life. Share a smile to lift the spirit of those you see. It can do wonders. Even if the smile is not returned, it may add a kind thought to their mind. But usually even strangers will smile back. Of course, with masks on, you have to look in the eyes to see the smile there.

Try to think about a Happier New Year. Positive thoughts go a long way to heal your heart and mind.

Again, warmest wishes for a Merry Christmas, filled to the brim with all good things and great memories. Have a fabulous New Year, with wonderful feelings of hope and the joy of being alive.

My Prayer For You

May your travels be filled with wonder.

May yours days be warm and long.

May your eyes be filled with beauty.

May your heart be filled with song.

God bless you on your journey!




This poem comes from Autumn Leaves:


Seek not for that which is not,

Nor ever was.

Follow not after lies

Or man-made cause.


Seek out truth and

“Peace be still.”

Let your heart and soul

Be filled.


Seek for that which was

And still is.

Love and LifeĀ  —

Both are His.


More precious than the Rubaiyat

of Omar Khayyam.

Seek and find the one

And only true “I AM.”

The Veils

This poem is from Autumn Leaves:


Layers of veils

Drawn over the mind,

Shut out light of knowledge,

Shielding hope from mankind.

The first one blots out charity,

It’s called the veil of “Greed.”

The second is called “Suspicion,”

And curtails doing good deeds.

The third one is “Jealousy and Envy,”

Stops our hearts from being kind.

The fourth is “Indifference and Falsehood,”

Makes people follow along blind.

The fifth is the darkest–

It’s simply known as “Hate,”

Yet the shining light

Of Love can penetrate.

Regardless of how tightly

These veils are drawn,

They can be opened by Knowledge

As night surrenders to dawn.

Ever so slowly now,

The veils begin to part.

Understanding rushes in, beginning to win,

Over the mind and into the heart.

At last they’re completely open,

Not able to stand Love’s bright decree.

The harsh light of Truth assisted,

And together they set you free.