Monthly Archives: May 2014

Building Blocks

This thought comes from Autumn Leaves:

As even coral reefs die

When certain conditions exist,

The building blocks created

Over years on top of tireless years

Just crumble and decay

Back from whence they came.

Coral reef

Coral reef

Viet Nam Remembered

This poem comes from Autumn Leaves for “Viet Nam Remembered”:

A few quiet moments,

Gazing at each name.

A moment of respect

In drizzling rain.


This polished black “V”

Gashed into the earth,

Names of dead recorded

Instead of birth.


As I stood there soaked

In beleaguered calm,

Recalling memories of buddies

In a place called Viet Nam.


I remember young faces,

Etched in grimy fear.

Muddy fatigues sagging,

Weighted down with gear.


Orange blossom napalm flashes,

Jellying up a hill.

Sweating soldiers cuss

While mustering their will.


Incoming rockets roar

Amidst bursting mortar shells,

No thought of Heaven

In this little piece of Hell!


Med-E-Vac choppers lift off,

Another wounded body gone.

Ashen-white face reveals

A friend left alone.


Maybe these inscribed names

Fit faces in my mind.

Scenes vivid and real

Forever enshrined.


Although it’s officially over,

Still there’s no end.

As I stand here quietly

With memories of friends.


Who has the answer,

Why we fought this war?

What did it accomplish?

What was it all for?


The answer now has become muted,

Grown hazy over time.

But you’ll never forget them

When you see their shrine.


Bronze at Viet Nam War Memorial

Bronze at Viet Nam War Memorial

Viet Nam War Memorial

Viet Nam War Memorial